Thursday, February 21, 2008

Increased ADENIUM

Increased ADENIUM

The Adenium increase is generally carried out with two methods, that is with crossed (generative) and vegetatif.
The increase was in a generative manner carried out melaluii the seed.
Now the increase vegetatif was carried out technically the cutting, cangkok, okulasi, continued (grafting), penetrated, or the solution to the root.
That must pay attention to inside carried out the Adenium increase in a generative manner (the conflict) will be produced the doll that was different from his mother.
Now the doll produced by the increase vegetatif inherited the superior characteristics of his mother.
Supervised this will be pointed out by method sorts to increase Adenium your collection.
Warna of the flower that was clear when blossoming invited insects like the bee to suck honey.
When alighting in the flower unintentionally, foot the bee touched the stamen, then clung in putik the other flower.
By clinging him pollen to the head putik then pollination happened.
If pollination was successful then would will grow san developing to.
Adenium have the shape of long and consisted of two.
After two months afterwards, adenium will be ripe.
Around ripe was marked by the colour green brownish.
At the time, better be tied with the rope.
Pengikatan had a purpose so that seeds that berumbai did not fly during ripe and broke out.
During ripe, the seed was taken and hairs that adhered to the seed were thrown away.
Further, the seed was put in the sun to dry through to dry or around 2 hours.
After that the seed was ready disemai.
The media a camp burnt and sand with the comparison 1: 1 was the seedling media was best was used to menyemai the seed adenium.
As for the stage penyemaian was as berikut:1.
Prepared tray or the pot berdiameter 5 cm as the forum penyemaian.
Further, put the seedling media into this forum be as high as 3/4 the forum.
For the hole planted with the index finger or wood in the middle of the pot.
Put the seed that was dry with the askew or horizontal position.
In one pot was buried one seed.
Cover the seed with the media.
Pour the adequate seedling media with water that has been mixt medicine anticendawan.
Place the pot in

The seed will begin to be sprouting in the age 12-14 days.
After the crop grew be as high as 4-5 cm (the age 2-3 months), the seed could be moved to the bigger pot.
Don't moved the seed that still was small because of being worried yet strong adapted to the new media.
SA mo in May guei, julikan adenium in Taiwan, including the crop that was easy to be increased with the cutting.
The cutting material was chosen from the healthy and quite old mother.
His characteristics the measuring stick big, healthy, and berdiameter minimal 2 cm.
The stick that too small and young had the level of the risk of the quite big failure.
The cutting should be not taken from the main stick because of being difficult to sprout.
The increase stage was with the cutting explained as berikut:1.
The piece of the stick along 10-15 cm.
Leave 2-3 sheets of the leaves to reduce evaporation.
Use the sharp and sterile knife so that the crop is not infected.
After being cut off, dry hinted at the stick ditempat that was calm for 1-2 hours so that the second-hand wound the dry reduction.
This cutting material might not be affected by water and the direct sun rays.
Dip the part that was cut off with root antigen, then dry aired with for 1-2 hours.
After that, stuck the stick of the cutting to the media planted be as deep as 4-5 cm.
Pour adequate water evenly.
Further, placed the crop in the calm place with the intensity of the low sunlight, around 60-70%.
After 6-7 days, the crop could be moved to the hotter location.
At the time, the crop began to be fresh.
If 12-14 days afterwards the crop did not yet issue the bud and the stick was seen thin MK the increase with the cutting it was considered failed.
Pekebun in Indonesia rarely used the cutting method of increasing the crop because relative be difficult and needed a long time to get bonggol.
Perbanyakan with continued or grafting often was done by pekebun adenium.
The method grafting was carried out by uniting the low stick and the upper stick from the different crop kind.
The superiority of this method of being to be produced the crop that was more superior compared with his

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