Thursday, February 21, 2008



The crop of one this was known because of beauty of the leaves and his flower.
But, often he did not want to bear interest.
How overcame him?
A heavy lover adenium complained, "Why the flower adenium I became dull and his leaves were soft, ok?"
In fact, he continued, "Previously hard-working blossomed, right."
His flower was then clear, dark red with the white combination in the middle.
That was most exotic bonggol him, big berbenjol-lump, was inflated.
That not to mention fertilising that had not been late, also spraying of pesticide.
"But why adenium I never again like previously?"
He asked again.
Accurate had accurate, the crop adenium that evidently was sick"."
Happened ketidakseimbangan between the growth of the crop and the condition for available space of the pot environment.
His roots have been increasingly big and luxuriant, his stick also increasingly grew, now the condition for space movement-life and the availability of nutrition was very limited.
These roots filled the part on the media.
If already like this, his tips adenium will stall blossomed.
His leaves then still are not green fresh.
The competition happened.
Fought for the nutrient.
Fought for space movement-life.
Fought for the sun rays.
Finally the number of leaves increasingly a little, the slow growth, withered, and finally turned yellow.
The growth of the bud and the branch were also very slow.
It was more serious, the flower ngambek, did not want still emerged.
Yes, although hard-working fertilising was carried out, but the media planted that has been "old", said more 2 years, made him not again appropriate to process nutrition.
It was short that said, the media tanam him has been broken.
So, was fostered with any kind of fertiliser, and totalling anything, will not make the crop fertile.
His solution, the media planted that must be replaced.
Did repotting, the substitute for the long pot with the new pot, including the media tanam him.
How did repotting adenium?
Take note 5 steps along with:
Prepare Pot Baru
Pilih the new pot was with the measurement that was bigger compared the long pot.
Don't forget to choose the "pot bonsai" so that bonggol adenium was seen beautiful on the media.
The form of the pot there is one that is round, there were also those who are oval.
Pay attention to the clearance of the pot lip with the stick starting point, that was ideal around 8 - 10 cm.
With the distance was
as wide
The substitute for the Tanam
Media including the crop zerofit.
Meaning that, was suitable to live in the dry area.
So, he needed the hollow media (porous).
That was significant, adenium did not like the strong media tied water.
Possibly his root even rotted.
So, used the media porous in part coco peaf (dust of the coconut husk), the charcoal a rice camp, rough sand, the fragment of the charcoal, the fragment of the pumice, and compost fertiliser or manure that has been ripe.
Was available at least 3 choices of the media as follows: (a) the fragment Mixture of the pumice berdiameter 0,25-0,50 cm, then the charcoal a camp, and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1, (b) the rough sand Mixture, the charcoal a camp, and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1; and (c) the rough sand Mixture, coco peaf and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1.
Don't forget, the foundation of the pot was given the charcoal approximately a quarter of high the pot so that water is not solid.
Just afterwards the media planted was put into the new pot through to met half of high the pot.
Dismissed from the Lama
Pot the crop adenium from inside the long pot.
The method is, watered the crop, then the wall of the pot was knocked on coiled.
After that, turned his position upside down sembari kept the crop.
That was important, guarded lest the broken crop, for example his root was interrupted.
Water his roots until the land that adhered became protracted.
Then, the piece of roots that have been old, but left approximately 2 - 3 cm.
Use sharp scissors so that not mengotak the network of the root.
Soak Pestisida
that partly was cut off, certainly would meninmbulkan the wound.
Nah, from the wound so had the possibility of triggering the growth of the fungus.
So, the root part and bonggol this crop was soaked in pesticide in order to refuses the arrival of the fungus.
For example with Agrimex pesticide, Mansote, or Dagonil.
The submersion was enough 15 minutes.
Bury Pot Baru
Sesudah was soaked pesticide, the stick adenium was appointed, then was put into the new pot that was prepared.
Be closed with the media planted that still was remaining until being as high as the neck of the pot.
It was following, the crop adenium was poured clean water.
After repotting, the crop adenium better be placed

Be on the alert SERANGAN SANG LABA Dewasa Ini had 3 pests that "were close" with the crop adenium.
Any and how controlled him?
Spider Myte the Person mentioned him "red profits" (Spider Myte).
He was similar tungau that was very small and his colour was red.
The target no matter what the leaves adenium.
As a result, the leaves became soft, pale, then changed chocolate.
Further, the leaves became curly and fell, and when being left alone the crop could die.
If the attack was still minor, very fast removed the crop that was attacked.
Or cut the leaves that have been devoured red profits.
However, if the attack has been heavy, the syringe with pesticide, like Omnite or Kelthane.
The dose and the frequency of spraying in accordance with the available guidance.
Or was sprayed by three times a week, with the dose of each kind of spraying 1 cc per 1 litre water.
The Gnats
fungus good-looking him the Gnats Fungus, but also close was called by the "black fly."
This fly pest was very small.
During still the shape of the larva, he damaged the root and the stick adenium.
After mature took the form of the fly, his aim more was directed to the flower bud adenium before the flower blossomed.
His sign, there were black spots around the flower bud, then the bud rotted.
If already like this, overcame with Benlate pesticide or Dithane, with the dose 1 cc per 1 litre water.
Did saban the day until the black fly was extinct.
Hama Mealybug was small lice was white.
If being observed, similar to white flour when spreading.
Usually, Mealybug attacked the leaves by means of sucking this leaves liquid.
Old kelamaan, the leaves were then broken and the growth of the stopped bud.
Finally, the leaves fell, the crop died.
There is good him this white lice attack was monitored since early.
When the attack was still minor, immediately the piece of the leaves that were attacked, then burnt.
However, if the attack has grown worse, the syringe with pesticide, like Malathion, Dimacide, or Pegasus with the

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