Thursday, February 21, 2008


Although beauty adenium will not appear when being not carried out by the maintenance.
This several routine maintenances were applied in adenium anda

A. Manfaat of nutrition
The element makro
The micro element
B. Jenis fertiliser and his characteristics 1.
Fertiliser anorganik
Organic fertiliser
C. Metode Aplikasi 1.
The crop bibit
The crop remaja
The generative phase
Last year, a consumer bought adenium in one showroom in Semarang.
His noose very much enchanted.
Each stem showed the coloured flower pink that was beautiful.
The appearance of the crop was it was considered appropriate to reveal the Adenium love costing Rp 4.000.000 that afterwards was dedicated to the sweetheart.
Seven months at intervals of, the girl visited showroom that.
He said adenium giving of his sweetheart is currently miserable.
The appearance of the crop changed drastic.
That remained only leafless twigs and the yellow leaves in several branch dolls.
Natural when the flower as stalling emerged.
He admitted, he indeed had not given fertiliser.
From time to time, he poured rice water when seeing the dry media.
Fertiliser of the food simile for plants.
He was needed for the growth and the development of the crop.
In the wild, the crop absorbed nutrition from inside the land and air.
Whereas in the forum, nutrition must be supplied in the certain period.
ELEMENT of the macro nutrient contained the nutrient that was needed the crop in a large number.
However, did not mean the number that was given was unlimited.
There was the certain threshold that was tolerated the crop.
Exceeded the limit, the crop experienced poisoning that could continue until dying.
There were 12 element kinds of chemistry that was needed for the growth of the crop.
The element was nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S), and calcium (Ca), boron (B), the iron (Fe), copper (Cu), mangan (Mn), zinc (ZN), and molybdenum (Mo).
Each element had the important influence in the growth of the crop.
The requirement for the crop will be respectively the different element.
Depended on the age, the kind, and the environment.
Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen played a role in the formation of the cell

The sign kekurangan
the Crop that the lack of nitrogen was known from the underside leaves.
The leaves turned yellow because of the lack of chlorophyll.
Further dried up and fell.
Bones under the surface of the leaves young appeared pale.
The growth of the slow, stunted and weak crop.
The production of the flower and the low seed.
Warna of the leaves was too green, the bushy crop with the leaves.
The process of the disposal became long.
Adenium will be sekulen because of containing much water.
That menyebebkan susceptible the mushroom attack and the illness, and was easy to collapse.
The production of the flower descended.
Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus was the compiler's component of several enzymes, protein, ATP, RNA, and DNA. ATP important for the process of the transfer of energy, whereas RNA and DNA determined the genetic characteristics of the crop.
The P element also played a role in the growth of the seed, the root, the flower, and.
With the improvement of the structure perakaran so as the absorbency of nutrition was even better.
Together denga potassium, phosphorus was used to stimulate the flowering.
That was natural because the requirement for the crop for phosphorus increased high when the crop will blossom.
The Dimulai lack from the old leaves to keunguan tended grey.
The bank of the chocolate leaves, leaves bones young was green dark.
It was scorched, the growth of the small leaves, stunted, and finally fell.
The slow growth phase and the stunted crop.
Kelebihan P caused the absorption of the other element especially the micro element like the iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) was disturbed.
However his sign was not seen physically in the crop.
Potassium (K) Potassium played a role as the organiser of the process of crop physiology like fotosintetis, the accumulation, translocation, the transport of the carbohydrate, was opened closed him the stomata, or arranged the distribution of water in the network and the cell.
The lack of this element caused the leaves like terbakardan finally fell.
The element of potassium had tight relationship to calcium and magnesium.
There were the characteristics of antagonism between potassium and calcium.
But also between potassium and magnesium.
The characteristics of this antagonism caused the defeat of one of the elements to be absorbed the crop if his composition was not balanced.
The element of potassium was absorbed faster by the crop was compared calcium and

Kekurangan K was seen from the leaves was lowest that was dry or was spotty scorched.
The flower was easy to fall.
The 'scorched' leaves bank, the leaves rolled down, and was susceptible to the illness attack.
Kelebihan K caused the Ca absorption and Mg was disturbed.
The growth of the crop terhambat. so as the crop experienced the deficiency.
Magnesium (Mg) Magnesium was aktivator that played a role in the transport of energy of several enzymes in the crop.
This element was very dominant his existence in the leaves, especially for the availability of chlorophyll.
So the adequacy of magnesium really was needed to launch the process of photosynthesis.
The same element was the core component of the formation of chlorophyll and the enzyme in various processes of the synthesis of protein.
The lack of magnesium caused several elements to be not carried because of energy that was available a little.
That was carried only the element was substantial 'light' like nitrogen.
As a result was formed measuring cells big but watery.
The network became weak and the distance antarruas long.
The characteristics precisely like the sign etiolasi-lack of the light to the crop.
The Kekurangan
sign very spotty kuningdi the surface of the old leaves.
This happened because Mg was carried to the young leaves.
The old leaves to lemahd and finally was easy to be attacked by the illness, especially flour dew (powdery mildew).
Kelebihan Mg did not cause the sign of the extreme.
Calcium (Ca) this Element that most played a role in being the growth of the cell.
He the component that strengthened, and arranged the transparency, as well as treated the wall of the cell.
His role was very important in the point grew the root.
Moreover when happening defiensi Ca, the formation and the growth of the root were disturbed, and resulted in the absorption of the nutrient was hindered.
Ca played a role in the process of the splitting and the extension of the cell, and arranged the distribution produced by photosynthesis.
Gejala of the lack of calcium that is the point grew weak, the change in the form of the leaves happened, curled, small, and finally fell.
Calcium caused the high crop but not solid.
Because berefek direct in the point grew then the lack of this element caused the production of the flower to be hindered.
The flower fell also the effect of the lack of calcium.
Kelebihan calcium not berefek many, only influenced the land pH.
Boron (B) Boron had the connection was close to the process of the formation, the splitting and differentiation, and the cell division of labour.
This was related to his role in synthetic RNA, the formation base of the cell.
Boron was carried from the root to the crop editorial through the artery xylem.
In the boron land was available in the limited number and was easy to be washed.
The lack of boron was most often encountered in adenium.
His characteristics were similar to the leaves variegeta.
Daun was coloured darker compared to the normal leaves, thick, and mengkerut.
Ujung of the yellow leaves and experienced necrosis
Copper (Cu) the important Function of copper was aktivator and brought several enzymes.
He also played a role in helping the smoothness of the process of photosynthesis.
The framer of chlorophyll, and played a role in funsi the reproduction.
The lack of the coloured leaves green kebiruan, the leaves bud closed and grew small, the growth of the flower was hindered.
Tanaman grew stunted, the limited branching, the formation of the root was hindered, the root thickened and was dark.
Zinc (Zn) Almost resembled Mn and Mg, the sting played a role in aktivator the enzyme, the formation of chlorophyll and helped the process of photosynthesis.
The lack usually happens to the media that for a long time has been used.
The lack of the slow Growth, the distance between the short book, the stunted leaves, mengkerut, or rolled on one hand then was followed with kerontokan.
Would turned yellow, was open, and finally fell.
Even limper and so as that necessarily straight turned.
the zinc Surplus did not show the real impact.
The iron (fe) the Iron played a role in the process of the formation of protein, as the formation catalyst of chlorophyll.
The iron played a role as the electron bearer in the process fotosintetis and respiration, at the same time to aktivator several enzymes.
This element was not easy to move sehigga when the lack happening was difficult to be improved.
Fe most often bertentanganatau the antagonist with the other micro element.
To reduce the effect, then Fe was often wrapped in Kelat (chelate) like EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid).
EDTA was an organic component that was stabilised the metal ion.
The EDTA existence then the characteristics of the Fe antagonist in the high
Kekurangan of the iron was pointed out with the sign klorosis and the leaves turned yellow or nekrosa.
The leaves young appeared white because not all that chlorophyll.
Moreover happened because of root damage.
If adenium was spent from his pot will be seen by root discounts that died.
The Pemberian surplus of fertiliser with the Fe content high caused necrosis that was marked by the black emergence of spots to the leaves.
Molybdenum (Mo) :
Mo was assigned as the electron bearer to change the nitrate into the enzyme.
This element also played a role in the nitrogen fixation.
Ditunjukkan with the emergence klorosis in the old leaves, afterwards crept into the leaves muda

The Kelebihan surplus did not show the sign that was real in adenium.

Elements that were needed adenium was packed by the producer to fertiliser in various in the form and the form.
From the aspect of the form of fertiliser was packed in the liquid, the powder, the tablet, the capsule, and butiran.
Whereas from the aspect of the raw material was known to be inorganic and organic by the fertiliser term.
Inorganic fertiliser was fertiliser that was made from chemicals.
Organic, came from the nature material.
Fertiliser anorganik
generally had two inorganic fertiliser kinds that were available in the market: single fertiliser and compound fertiliser.
Single fertiliser was made from one element dominantly.
For example Urea that contained N, TSP or SP 36 denganP, and KCl or ZK with the K element that was dominant.
Compound fertiliser contained more than one element kind.
For example DAP and Amofos that were made from N and P. Pupuk compound also could be compiled from 3 elements.
Mentioned also Rustica Yellow and pearls.
The two fertilisers are supplemented with the N content, P, and K. Produsen of fertiliser usually jgua added micro elements like Fe, B, Mo, Mn, and Cu.
So that practical, pekebun usually used compound fertiliser.
Generally in the circulating market fertiliser with the main content of Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium with various comparisons.
It was big that the small size of the comparison was included in the package label.
The article 20:10:10 meaning that the content of nitrogen most

Organic fertiliser had since long before been used by the person.
The emergence tren 'returned to nature' pushed the organic fertiliser emergence that was processed and packed in a modern way.
His production raw material various things, in part from guano, the waste of the bat that has been processed, the waste of the crop, the fish, and the animal.
Several kinds of the sea biota like algae, the shellfish was also extracted to fertiliser organik
Today fertiliser berlabel organic that has been packed modern in the forum was closed.
His form could like inorganic fertiliser take the form of the liquid, dust, or butiran.
The label contained the composition and the guidance of the use also was calibrated in the package.
Before bought and used paid attention to the content of his nutrition.
Must be remembered Fertiliser did not prevent the arrival of the pest and the illness.
So continued to be needed an amount of insecticide or the fungicide when the pathogen attacked.
The use of pesticide with the same content in a long time could cause resistance.
The usual method was used was to use pesticide in a changing manner.
The use of one fertiliser kind in the long term damaged the growth of the crop.
Because the fertiliser contained the certain element like nitrogen, phosphorus, and high potassium.
Immediately the substitute with fertiliser with the balanced ratio or the other higher element.
Apart from the main fertiliser, also was accompanied by various 'supplements'.
His aim of course so that the growth of the crop increasingly good.
Several among them, that is: vitamins B1.
Vitamins B1, one of the substances to speed up the growth adenium, also restoration of the "power" ended moved planted.
The vitamins including the group fitohormon, that is a substance that in a small number/seldom could encourage the growth.
The use of vitamins B1 in adenium was expected to be able to overcome the problem of the slowness of the growth of the crop.
A. fish oil/Ikan
Flour the fish or fish oil also helped the growth adenium and reinforced crop resistance.
His use was interrupted-come between with other fertiliser.
Moreover, the fishy aroma was annoying enough penciuman.

Concentrate pekat
thick Concentrate was the normal chemical that was combined by the producer to help pekebun that want to practical.
He contained all the elements of the macro and micro nutrient that was needed the crop.
This material normally was used by pekebun hidroponik that want to practical in fertilising.
Fertiliser was acknowledged as A&B mix that diformulasi specially in accordance with the kind and the growth phase of the crop.
The fertiliser expertise was apart from containing the element of the nutrient that was needed the crop, also used materials that 100% protracted in water.
Because of that was suitable to be applied to the crop in a manner the syringe irrigation.
Caar the use was also very practical and could be kept in time for quite a long time

Increased ADENIUM

Increased ADENIUM

The Adenium increase is generally carried out with two methods, that is with crossed (generative) and vegetatif.
The increase was in a generative manner carried out melaluii the seed.
Now the increase vegetatif was carried out technically the cutting, cangkok, okulasi, continued (grafting), penetrated, or the solution to the root.
That must pay attention to inside carried out the Adenium increase in a generative manner (the conflict) will be produced the doll that was different from his mother.
Now the doll produced by the increase vegetatif inherited the superior characteristics of his mother.
Supervised this will be pointed out by method sorts to increase Adenium your collection.
Warna of the flower that was clear when blossoming invited insects like the bee to suck honey.
When alighting in the flower unintentionally, foot the bee touched the stamen, then clung in putik the other flower.
By clinging him pollen to the head putik then pollination happened.
If pollination was successful then would will grow san developing to.
Adenium have the shape of long and consisted of two.
After two months afterwards, adenium will be ripe.
Around ripe was marked by the colour green brownish.
At the time, better be tied with the rope.
Pengikatan had a purpose so that seeds that berumbai did not fly during ripe and broke out.
During ripe, the seed was taken and hairs that adhered to the seed were thrown away.
Further, the seed was put in the sun to dry through to dry or around 2 hours.
After that the seed was ready disemai.
The media a camp burnt and sand with the comparison 1: 1 was the seedling media was best was used to menyemai the seed adenium.
As for the stage penyemaian was as berikut:1.
Prepared tray or the pot berdiameter 5 cm as the forum penyemaian.
Further, put the seedling media into this forum be as high as 3/4 the forum.
For the hole planted with the index finger or wood in the middle of the pot.
Put the seed that was dry with the askew or horizontal position.
In one pot was buried one seed.
Cover the seed with the media.
Pour the adequate seedling media with water that has been mixt medicine anticendawan.
Place the pot in

The seed will begin to be sprouting in the age 12-14 days.
After the crop grew be as high as 4-5 cm (the age 2-3 months), the seed could be moved to the bigger pot.
Don't moved the seed that still was small because of being worried yet strong adapted to the new media.
SA mo in May guei, julikan adenium in Taiwan, including the crop that was easy to be increased with the cutting.
The cutting material was chosen from the healthy and quite old mother.
His characteristics the measuring stick big, healthy, and berdiameter minimal 2 cm.
The stick that too small and young had the level of the risk of the quite big failure.
The cutting should be not taken from the main stick because of being difficult to sprout.
The increase stage was with the cutting explained as berikut:1.
The piece of the stick along 10-15 cm.
Leave 2-3 sheets of the leaves to reduce evaporation.
Use the sharp and sterile knife so that the crop is not infected.
After being cut off, dry hinted at the stick ditempat that was calm for 1-2 hours so that the second-hand wound the dry reduction.
This cutting material might not be affected by water and the direct sun rays.
Dip the part that was cut off with root antigen, then dry aired with for 1-2 hours.
After that, stuck the stick of the cutting to the media planted be as deep as 4-5 cm.
Pour adequate water evenly.
Further, placed the crop in the calm place with the intensity of the low sunlight, around 60-70%.
After 6-7 days, the crop could be moved to the hotter location.
At the time, the crop began to be fresh.
If 12-14 days afterwards the crop did not yet issue the bud and the stick was seen thin MK the increase with the cutting it was considered failed.
Pekebun in Indonesia rarely used the cutting method of increasing the crop because relative be difficult and needed a long time to get bonggol.
Perbanyakan with continued or grafting often was done by pekebun adenium.
The method grafting was carried out by uniting the low stick and the upper stick from the different crop kind.
The superiority of this method of being to be produced the crop that was more superior compared with his



The crop of one this was known because of beauty of the leaves and his flower.
But, often he did not want to bear interest.
How overcame him?
A heavy lover adenium complained, "Why the flower adenium I became dull and his leaves were soft, ok?"
In fact, he continued, "Previously hard-working blossomed, right."
His flower was then clear, dark red with the white combination in the middle.
That was most exotic bonggol him, big berbenjol-lump, was inflated.
That not to mention fertilising that had not been late, also spraying of pesticide.
"But why adenium I never again like previously?"
He asked again.
Accurate had accurate, the crop adenium that evidently was sick"."
Happened ketidakseimbangan between the growth of the crop and the condition for available space of the pot environment.
His roots have been increasingly big and luxuriant, his stick also increasingly grew, now the condition for space movement-life and the availability of nutrition was very limited.
These roots filled the part on the media.
If already like this, his tips adenium will stall blossomed.
His leaves then still are not green fresh.
The competition happened.
Fought for the nutrient.
Fought for space movement-life.
Fought for the sun rays.
Finally the number of leaves increasingly a little, the slow growth, withered, and finally turned yellow.
The growth of the bud and the branch were also very slow.
It was more serious, the flower ngambek, did not want still emerged.
Yes, although hard-working fertilising was carried out, but the media planted that has been "old", said more 2 years, made him not again appropriate to process nutrition.
It was short that said, the media tanam him has been broken.
So, was fostered with any kind of fertiliser, and totalling anything, will not make the crop fertile.
His solution, the media planted that must be replaced.
Did repotting, the substitute for the long pot with the new pot, including the media tanam him.
How did repotting adenium?
Take note 5 steps along with:
Prepare Pot Baru
Pilih the new pot was with the measurement that was bigger compared the long pot.
Don't forget to choose the "pot bonsai" so that bonggol adenium was seen beautiful on the media.
The form of the pot there is one that is round, there were also those who are oval.
Pay attention to the clearance of the pot lip with the stick starting point, that was ideal around 8 - 10 cm.
With the distance was
as wide
The substitute for the Tanam
Media including the crop zerofit.
Meaning that, was suitable to live in the dry area.
So, he needed the hollow media (porous).
That was significant, adenium did not like the strong media tied water.
Possibly his root even rotted.
So, used the media porous in part coco peaf (dust of the coconut husk), the charcoal a rice camp, rough sand, the fragment of the charcoal, the fragment of the pumice, and compost fertiliser or manure that has been ripe.
Was available at least 3 choices of the media as follows: (a) the fragment Mixture of the pumice berdiameter 0,25-0,50 cm, then the charcoal a camp, and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1, (b) the rough sand Mixture, the charcoal a camp, and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1; and (c) the rough sand Mixture, coco peaf and compost or manure with the comparison 2:1:1.
Don't forget, the foundation of the pot was given the charcoal approximately a quarter of high the pot so that water is not solid.
Just afterwards the media planted was put into the new pot through to met half of high the pot.
Dismissed from the Lama
Pot the crop adenium from inside the long pot.
The method is, watered the crop, then the wall of the pot was knocked on coiled.
After that, turned his position upside down sembari kept the crop.
That was important, guarded lest the broken crop, for example his root was interrupted.
Water his roots until the land that adhered became protracted.
Then, the piece of roots that have been old, but left approximately 2 - 3 cm.
Use sharp scissors so that not mengotak the network of the root.
Soak Pestisida
that partly was cut off, certainly would meninmbulkan the wound.
Nah, from the wound so had the possibility of triggering the growth of the fungus.
So, the root part and bonggol this crop was soaked in pesticide in order to refuses the arrival of the fungus.
For example with Agrimex pesticide, Mansote, or Dagonil.
The submersion was enough 15 minutes.
Bury Pot Baru
Sesudah was soaked pesticide, the stick adenium was appointed, then was put into the new pot that was prepared.
Be closed with the media planted that still was remaining until being as high as the neck of the pot.
It was following, the crop adenium was poured clean water.
After repotting, the crop adenium better be placed

Be on the alert SERANGAN SANG LABA Dewasa Ini had 3 pests that "were close" with the crop adenium.
Any and how controlled him?
Spider Myte the Person mentioned him "red profits" (Spider Myte).
He was similar tungau that was very small and his colour was red.
The target no matter what the leaves adenium.
As a result, the leaves became soft, pale, then changed chocolate.
Further, the leaves became curly and fell, and when being left alone the crop could die.
If the attack was still minor, very fast removed the crop that was attacked.
Or cut the leaves that have been devoured red profits.
However, if the attack has been heavy, the syringe with pesticide, like Omnite or Kelthane.
The dose and the frequency of spraying in accordance with the available guidance.
Or was sprayed by three times a week, with the dose of each kind of spraying 1 cc per 1 litre water.
The Gnats
fungus good-looking him the Gnats Fungus, but also close was called by the "black fly."
This fly pest was very small.
During still the shape of the larva, he damaged the root and the stick adenium.
After mature took the form of the fly, his aim more was directed to the flower bud adenium before the flower blossomed.
His sign, there were black spots around the flower bud, then the bud rotted.
If already like this, overcame with Benlate pesticide or Dithane, with the dose 1 cc per 1 litre water.
Did saban the day until the black fly was extinct.
Hama Mealybug was small lice was white.
If being observed, similar to white flour when spreading.
Usually, Mealybug attacked the leaves by means of sucking this leaves liquid.
Old kelamaan, the leaves were then broken and the growth of the stopped bud.
Finally, the leaves fell, the crop died.
There is good him this white lice attack was monitored since early.
When the attack was still minor, immediately the piece of the leaves that were attacked, then burnt.
However, if the attack has grown worse, the syringe with pesticide, like Malathion, Dimacide, or Pegasus with the

Adenium, Cambodia that was similar to Bonsai

Jakarta - Adenium obesum in Indonesia was known with the Japanese frangipani term.
The name adenium more was liked by the hobbyist, his article the frangipani was always connected with the cemetery.
Adenium attracted the lovers of decorative plants because the colour variation of his flower was rich and beautiful.
Increased again by the form of his root that grew when being old.
This that made his noose become unique and be similar bonsai.
SH/bayu dwi mardana
Pemangkasan, so the key so that adenium hard-working blossomed, and as pemutus the chain of the pest as well as the illness.
(left) Inilah the kind adenium that most was enjoyed by the hobbyist in Indonesia.
Actually adenium completely was different from the frangipani.
Although still in one family, that is Apocynaceae, but had several differences that were striking among both of them.
Just try to see the form of the leaves and the root between the two crops.
The form adenium far more smaller compared to the frangipani leaves.
The root adenium could grow like the roots and bent to left-right.
This part that functioned as penyimpan water.
While to the frangipani could not be encountered by the form of the root like that.
From his noose then adenium and the frangipani had the visible difference.
Adenium had the noose that was small through to very appropriate as the crop of the decorator of the house terrace.
While the frangipani had the high and big noose so as often was used as the protective crop, beside the function of the decorator.
"That was the reason, I more liked to mention this crop adenium compared with the Japanese frangipani."
If the person heard (the name) the frangipani usually at once is visible the big crop, said the Gunawan Moon, the hobbyist at the same time the decorative plants businessman in the Atmosphere sum, Depok.
While in China, adenium had the Fook Hui Hwa name that meaning that, the luck flower.
And in Thailand was regarded as the flower welcome (choa chuem)

The Gurun
crop tropical Indonesia became the location that was suitable for the growth of this crop.
In his original habitat, adenium was the crop a mother who grew wild in the area of the hot desert.
This crop kept water in his root so as to be able to survive in the dry area.
"Because of could keep water, he including the crop sukulen," said the Moon, the hobbyist that later serious menekuni commercial efforts adenium.
So, his term the obstinate crop.
Adenium came from the area of the desert in the African mainland and the Arabian peninsula, like Senegal to Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Namibia and surrounding area.
"From the Coast of Timur Africa to South African," mentioned the Moon.
If in Arabian, spread in Oman, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
Because of coming from the desert then adenium had the nickname desert Rose, desert roses.
Saw the place of his origin, adenium was the crop that needed the sun rays was full, did not need much water and liked the media planted that porous - berliang fine.
When the three matters were filled, it was guaranteed adenium will grow fertile.
In the place of his origin, the fertile crop the height could reach around four metre.
"Compared to the orchid, treated adenium too much was not difficult."
If we forgot nyiram the orchid two-three the day could die.
If adenium up until two weeks then kept was not poured, said the owner Godongijo Nursery.
The matter of fertilising and the maintenance against the pest was even easier compared with the orchid.
The ease, will make the Moon be convinced in the near future will be enjoyed by the decorative plants hobbyist.
It was "quite necessary that time and needed the quite incessant promotion, but I was sure this crop will be enjoyed."
Saw the world map, tren adenium not the uniform.
In Thailand, tren this crop just passed his peak period.
Around three years set, adenium booming in the white elephant country.
However in China, Taiwan and America the development adenium relative was the same as the condition in Indonesia.
Together had the popularity graph that continued merangkak rose.
Each exhibition of the exotic flora was spread out, adenium always was the collector's target.
Don't be startled if a
Pelepas Lelah
Kebanyakan the community fell in love with this crop because of beauty of the flower.
J.E. Mujiono (49), the crop hobbyist admitted to being interested adenium just because of kepincut beauty of his flower.
"Flowers that were put forward could give the inspiration and pelepas tired."
Usually after working, I always looked around the crop collection was fruitful in the house.
Including adenium this.
In leisure time, the father was father to two this had not been absent to go for a walk with the wife looked for the collection adenium newest.
The colour and the form of the unique flower always were their consideration.
Compared to the orchid, the maintenance adenium more was easy.
Also his flower was varied the colour and respectively pretty.
The noose adenium that resembled the crop bonsai also could steal attention of the hobbyists.
It was increasingly old, the root adenium would increasingly grew like the roots.
This fat root will bend to left-right until making his appearance get unique.
In seedling cultivation belonging to the Moon, in fact was found by the form of the root that resembled the man's gender and the chest of the woman.
Therefore by his collector, the two were called female and Male adenium.
The old impression would terpancar strong when the fat root was featured went out so as the use of the pot bonsai that ceper could raise the appearance adenium.
That must be paid close attention to, if wanting the big crop root, was to treat the crop in accordance with his original characteristics.
The growth of this crop root will be good if the media planted that was used appropriate.
Moreover the watering factor also was influential.
According to Octa Sugih (29), the hobbyist adenium that also the owner "Red Flower Nursery", the flower adenium had the shape of the trumpet and consisted of 5 sheets petal (the flower crown).
In a funnel (the trumpet) the flower was gotten the stamen.
The form petal (the flower crown) very varying, there is had the shape of the star, was jagged, the tip petal was cut off until the tip that became round.
Generally, the form of the flower adenium could be divided into three, that is having the shape of the star (Adenium Crimpson Star), the star with the serrated bank (Adenium obesum) and round (Adenium swazicum).
Beforehand even until currently the lover of the crop only knows the colour of the flower adenium pink or pink.
Evidently secretly adenium in Indonesia crawled travel by and was present with various colours.

Adenium this succeeded

SH/Bayu Dwi Mardana
Adenium this succeeded in blossoming together in each one of his branches.
The bushy flower could be created after beforehand was carried out pemangkasan.
Jakarta - Adenium his form was indeed unique.
Moreover if blossoming, very pretty.
Currently many crossings adenium that put forward the flower with various colours.
But unfortunately if very much blossomed, was waited for that was further old just berbunga..
In fact, adenium could be made blossoming for the length of time.
Chandra Gunawan, the hobbyist adenium, proved him in Godongijo, nursery him that was wide in the Atmosphere (Bogor).
Along with this tips him so that the crop from the desert hard-working blossomed.
Pemangkasan was his key.
The stick adenium that grew memanjang will give the disorder impression.
Pemangkasan the main stick could be done in accordance with the hobbyist's wish.
If wanted that his form was high then the stick that was cut off also rather high also.
Apart from the main stick, pemangkasan the branch was also done.
His aim of appearing dense.
Pemangkasan this branch, also could interrupt the pest life-cycle and the illness, as well as the main key to membungakan adenium together in each one of his branches.
Pemangkasan will produce new buds in each branch that was cut.
From this new bud, later will go out the flower.
But that must be paid attention to before carrying out denudation, confirmed the crop was healthy and the media tanam him was fertile.
Giving of fertiliser slow release or NPK better two weeks before the "execution".
According to Chandra, that rarely was paid attention to by the hobbyist was sterility of the implement pemotong.
Scissors or the knife that were used often dirty.
Not sterile equipment often caused the failure.
Because his former slice became rotten that could hinder to the other part.
Hope to receive adenium that was beautiful, disappeared because of carelessness.
It is best to pemangkasan was carried out in the morning so that the former discount could be fast dry.
Was not suggested the denudation was carried out in the rain season, because the stick that just was cut off when being affected by water will rot.
If adenium that has been barren since the beginning in the good condition, the healthy crop and the condition for h